What equipment is needed to play bridge?
When you decide to learn bridge, you might wonder:
“What equipment do I need?”. The answer is simple: the bare minimum includes a deck of cards and three other partners. Of course, you can opt for a few extras like a game table, chairs, score pads, or even a spare deck of cards, but these are not essential.
An accessible game without costly equipment
One of the great things about bridge is that you don’t need expensive or specialized equipment.
During my bridge games with friends, we often started on makeshift tables. Once, we even used a tray placed on crates in the garden!
The basic rules of bridge
Bridge is played in teams, always with four players. It’s helpful to designate the players around the table as North, South, East, and West.
No need to wear a nametag saying “East” to know where to sit! Just remember that opposite players are partners. For example, if the North player scores points, South also benefits from that performance. Conversely, if West makes a mistake, East suffers the consequences. This factor has contributed to bridge’s reputation as a contentious game.
Team spirit at the heart of the game
I’ve always loved the team spirit in bridge. It’s like a four-person dance, where everyone anticipates each other’s moves. With my usual partner, we could guess each other’s cards without a word, just by watching their little habits.
Accessories to enhance the game
Imagine you only have a deck of cards and an old upside-down cardboard box for a table… Well, a table covered in felt or fabric would be a huge plus, especially to prevent the cards from sliding.
Comfortable chairs can also improve the game experience. But be careful, if you start with reclining chairs, you might have a hard time keeping up with the action on the table!
Optimize the game with two decks of cards
Another luxury to consider is using two decks of cards. But be careful, not at the same time! The idea is that while one player shuffles a deck, the other deals the cards, allowing you to save time.
A few tips for game equipment
Each deck of cards should contain 52 standard cards. It’s best to remove the jokers, although some other games require them, so don’t throw them away! As for score pads, they’re also a luxury. In truth, keeping score can be done on any piece of paper.
These key elements will allow you to start playing bridge without investing in extravagant equipment. The joy of the game comes mainly from strategic skill and the rapport between partners.
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