When you are starting out in bridge, one of the first crucial steps is learning how to properly deal the cards. It may seem simple, but there are a few golden rules and tips to know in order to get started right and respect the etiquette of the game. Here is a practical guide to help you master this essential step.
1. Preparing to Deal
The game begins with each player seated opposite their partner. Before dealing, the cards are carefully shuffled and placed on the table face down. To determine who will deal the first hand, each player draws a random card: the player who draws the highest card becomes the dealer for that first round.
2. The Dealing Process
Once the dealer is chosen, the cards are dealt one by one, starting with the player to the dealer’s left. The dealing proceeds in a clockwise direction until each player has received their thirteen cards. This process is repeated for each deal, with the dealing hand passing to the next player to the left. This ensures a fair rotation and prevents the same player from dealing all the rounds.
3. Respecting Etiquette
It is important to wait until the dealer has finished dealing all the cards before picking up your hand. This rule of courtesy is the first lesson in etiquette that every bridge player should learn. Not only does it show respect for the flow of the game, but it also helps maintain a harmonious atmosphere at the table.
4. Organizing Your Hand
Once you’ve received your thirteen cards, it’s time to organize them. You can do this in different ways, but it’s highly recommended to arrange your cards by suit. Alternate the black suits (Clubs and Spades) with the red suits (Diamonds and Hearts) to avoid any confusion during play. Nothing is more frustrating than mistaking a Heart for a Diamond or a Spade for a Club at a crucial moment!
5. Discretion and Care
Finally, a golden rule: never show your cards to the other players. Always keep your cards neatly arranged and close to your chest. This prevents any unintentional reveal of your hand, as in bridge, discretion is key. Success often lies in your ability to keep your intentions secret until the right moment.
Test Your Knowledge: Dealing Cards in Bridge
Question 1: Who should deal the cards in the first hand?
Question 2: In which direction should the cards be dealt?
Question 3: How many cards should each player receive?
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